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Creating a brand identity for a Cleaning service in a competitive market like Dubai

This project involved

  • Naming

  • Logo Design

  • Uniform Design

  • Stationery

  • Communication Design


The Logo Design - The name Neat Ninja created a great opportunity to introduce a cute yet determined mascot cleaning the typeface of the logo.

The Colors - While the cleaning industry is dominated by the color blue- neat ninja stands out with a palette of Red Orange to symbolize energy and enthusiams. Also this color works as the perfect background for the ninja in slate gray

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Whats in a Name?

Even though most of the staff is female,

the name Neat Ninja is more gender neutral and empowering compared to the word "maid" which is over used in the category. Ninjas are stealthy, agile and skilled therefore completely in alignment to the services offered and most importantly it sounds pretty cool.

Keeping with the name - suggested fonts for usage also Neat and clean


Invoice design


The uniform of a neat ninja is entirely black with mask and gloves which work as hygiene factors aswell while staying true to the look of a an actual ninja.


DM Design: Staying true to the personality even the communication for in the form of a ninja's weapon of choice the shuriken.



Ninjas are from Japan therefore even the communication design has a few elements  and inspiration tones from Japan.

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